CRB48 Fan Appreciation Project! Ruri Narimiya visits fans’ houses without an appointment in a wedding dress! It’s June, so we’re lending out June Bridal Ruri as a bride for a day. Her stomping around in a residential area, running like she’s not good at sports, is cute. It’s too suspicious to be in a wedding dress in a residential area, so don’t make too much noise. I wish she’d make a lot of noise when she jerks off, though lol. She immediately charges at the fan’s house. She uses a duplicate key to sneak in and lie in wait. When she jumps out in front of the returning fan, the fan is shocked. But it’s Ruri Narimiya, so no trespassing, no problem. First, the food. Ruri, who boasts that she’s a good cook despite her appearance, cooks ham and eggs (Cooking LEVEL 1). Judging from her skills, she’s not a good cook. I can just imagine what their private life is like lol. In that case, let’s treat Ruri to a night of newlywed life, something she’s really good at.
As the world continues to evolve and change, so do the unconventional ways in which people express their love and commitment. A recent trend that has been making headlines is the rise of teen brides in Japan. While it may seem like a phenomenon straight out of a dystopian novel, it’s a sad reality for some young girls who are being wedded off to much older men.
One such story has been making waves on the internet, and it involves a 16-year-old girl named Ruri Narimiya. According to reports, Ruri was recently caught sneaking into the house of a fan who had.
CRB48ファン感謝企画!成宮ルリがウェディングドレス姿でファンの自宅にアポなし訪問! 6月になりましたのでジューンブライダルるりを一日花嫁として貸し出します。住宅街をドタバタと歩き回ったり、運動が苦手な様子で走ったりする姿がかわいい。住宅街でウエディングドレスを着ていると怪しすぎるのであまり騒がないようにしましょう。彼女がオナニーするときにたくさん音を立てればいいのですが(笑)。彼女はさっそくファンの家に突撃する。彼女は合鍵を使って忍び込み、待ち伏せしている。戻ってきたファンの前に彼女が飛び出すと、ファンは驚愕する。でも成宮ルリさんなので不法侵入は無しで問題ありません。まずは食事。見た目に反して料理上手を誇るるりさんは、ハムエッグを作ります(料理LEVEL1)。彼女の腕前から判断すると、彼女は料理が上手ではありません。彼らの私生活がどのようなものであるかは想像できます(笑)。それならるりちゃん得意の新婚生活の夜をご馳走しましょう。