This is the second part of Caribbeancom’s popular series, “Time Fuck Bandit: Stop Time – Legal Pie”. Will justice prevail? Or will eroticism trump justice? Aspiring lawyer Shiori Uehara uses a magic time stopwatch to conceal the truth and give the defendant an advantage! And in the second part, the judge, prosecutor, victim, and all the women in the gallery get caught up in something outrageous! The courtroom is filled with erect dicks, pussies covered in lust juices, and they can do whatever they want. What will the outcome of this trial be? Who will win? Find out for yourself!
Welcome back to our Time Stop series, where we explore the legal loopholes that allow certain individuals to freeze time and wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims. Today, we’re delving into the world of Time Fuck Bandits, specifically the Time Stop variety.
Now, you might be thinking, “Time Stop? That sounds like a superpower straight out of a comic book.” And you’re right, but in this case, we’re talking about a different kind of Time Stop. These bandits don’t have any fancy powers – they’re just really good at manipulating legal loopholes.
カリビアンコムの人気シリーズ「タイムファックバンディット 時間よ止まれ リーガルパイ」の第2弾です。正義は勝つのか?それともエロティシズムが正義に勝つのか?弁護士志望の上原志織は、魔法のタイムストップウォッチを使って真実を隠蔽し、被告を有利に導く!そして第二部では、裁判官、検察官、被害者、そしてギャラリーの女性全員がとんでもない事件に巻き込まれます!法廷は勃起したチンコと愛液にまみれたマンコで満たされ、やりたい放題だ。この裁判の結果はどうなるでしょうか?誰が勝つでしょうか?自分で調べてください!